Answer the following questions in about 700 words each. Each question carries 20 marks. 2X20=40
1) How does taking the ‘income levels’ as an indicator of development defeats the objective of tackling the multi-faceted dimensions of development? Explain.
2) Discuss the Gordon’s contention that the ‘optimal size of fishery is one which maximizes sustainable resource rent’ with appropriate theoretical justification.
Section B
Answer the following questions in about 400 words each. Each question carries 12marks. 5X12=60
3) Explain the transition to ‘institutional economics’ from ‘neoclassical economics’.
4) What are the essential differences in the two approaches of ‘shadow prices’ and ‘hedonic pricing’ methods as ‘valuation tools of environmental functions’.
5) Write a note on the different types of ‘common property resource’.
6) Bring out the inter-regional variations in ‘expenditure on education’ in India as it obtained in the early years of 2000s.
7) Make a case in favour of levying the ‘user fees’ for public health facilities. What are the arguments that can be offered ‘for and against’ such a proposal?
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