1. a) What do you understand by forecast control? What could be the various methods to ensure that the forecasting system is appropriate?
b) What do you understand by the term correlation? Explain how the study of correlation helps in forecasting demand of a product.
2. a) Explain the terms ‘Population’ and ‘sample’. Explain why it is sometimes necessary and often desirable to collect information about the population by conducting a sample survey instead of complete enumeration.
b) How would you conduct an opinion poll to determine student reading habits and preferences towards daily newspapers and weekly magazines?
3. Briefly comment on the following:
a) “Different issues arise while analysing decision problems under uncertain conditions of outcomes”.
b) “Sampling is so attractive in drawing conclusions about the population”.
c) “Measuring variability is of great importance to advanced statistical analysis”.
d) “Test the significance of the correlation coefficient using a t-test at a significance level of 5%”.
4. Write short notes on the following:
a) Mathematical Properties of Arithmetic Mean and Median
b) Standard Error of the Mean
c) Linear Regression
d) Time Series Analysis
5. Distinguish between the following:
a) Discrete and Continuous Frequency Distributions
b) Karl Pearson's and Bowley's Coefficient of Skewness
c) Probability and Non-Probability sampling
d) Class Limits and Class Intervals
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