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1. a) Define international economic environment. Discuss the major economic indicators of international economic environment which influence the foreign market decisions with examples.

b) Explain the impact of elements of culture on a firm's international business operations with examples.

2. What is Balance of payments? Describe the components of balance of payments with hypothetical examples. How do deficit and surplus in Balance of payments affect international trade? Discuss with suitable examples.

3. Comment on the following:

a) An international business firm should not monitor the foreign country's trade, monetary and balance of payments account.

b) A major problem with laws in different countries is that the legal systems of the world are harmonized.

c) Globalization has not influenced the Indian economy.

d) FDI does not help in accelerating the rate of economic growth of the host country.

4. Distinguish between:

a) Product Price Ratio and Factor Price Ratio

b) Added Networks Services and Internet Services

c) Consumer Surplus and Producer Surplus

d) Globalization and Glocalization

5. Write short notes on the following:

a) The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson (HOS) Theorem

b) Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMS)

c) Special Drawing Rights

d) Alternative Dispute Resolution


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