How can you influence people?


We all want to be influential in our lives, but how can we influence people? The answer is simple: by building trust. People will buy from and trust the people they know. They’ll also follow the advice that’s credible and trustworthy. As an example: if you want someone to do something (like pick up their phone), ask them first!

We influence people by building trust

You can’t just ask people to trust you. People will only trust you if they feel like your actions are in their best interest, or at least not against them. Trust is a two-way street: it’s earned, not given.

Trust is not based on looks or money; it’s based on actions and words. If someone does something for you, then they must believe that doing so will result in something good for them as well; otherwise, why would they do this?

It’s also important to remember that trust isn’t just about treating people well—it also means making sure everything about yourself reflects the same kind of integrity as those around you (e.g., no drugs).

People buy from and trust the people they know

People buy from and trust the people they know.

It’s a fact, so let’s talk about why that is:

  • You are likely to be more likely to buy from someone you know because it will make sense for you (e.g., if they’re trustworthy).
  • If someone has been given your information before (e.g., in a review or on social media), then there’s no reason not to trust them again when they ask for money or whatever else—even if we don’t have any interaction with them personally yet!

Make eye contact and use your body language to show confidence.

One of the first things people notice is your body language. When you’re talking to someone, make sure that you are making eye contact and showing confidence by leaning back in your chair, keeping your hands at rest on the table and not fidgeting with anything else. If it’s a long conversation, keep a smile on your face to show empathy for them as well as respect for what they have to say.

When dealing with difficult subjects such as politics or religion (or anything else), use empathy—your attitude should be one of curiosity rather than judgmental-ness—and show honesty when explaining yourself so that people can understand where you’re coming from without taking everything out of context by assuming bad intentions behind every word spoken out loud.”

If you want people to do something, ask them first.

If you want people to do something, ask them first.

If your goal is to influence others and get them to do what you want, then it’s important that you ask for their help in the first place. There are several reasons for this:

  • People are usually more willing to help if they feel like it’s a good idea; if there’s no obvious reward or benefit for them in doing so (i.e., “I’ll just do this because I want some recognition”), then they’re less likely to listen or agree with your request.
  • By asking someone how they feel about the project at hand, we can gauge whether or not our idea will resonate with them—and if not, why not? What would make sense here? How would we go about achieving our goal differently now than before our conversation started? These types of questions will give us clues as well as insight into possible solutions that might work better than others based on past experiences with similar situations (or lack thereof).

We can give our opinions and express our feelings without being aggressive or rude.

  • Be polite.
  • Be honest.
  • Be positive, respectful, and patient in your tone of voice and mannerisms.
  • Be willing to listen, compromise and admit when you are wrong or need some advice on a subject you don’t know much about.

People will follow the advice they find credible and trustworthy

Trust is an important part of influence. People will follow the advice they find credible and trustworthy, such as their friends or family members. This is because people believe that the person giving them the advice has something to say that’s worth hearing, and will therefore listen to what they have to say without question.

Credible and trustworthy people are also likely to have a lot of social capital in their lives—the connections between them help them make connections with other people who can help them out with whatever problem they’re facing at any given time. For example: if you’re looking for work but don’t know anyone who works at large companies like Google or Facebook (or even smaller tech companies like Slack), then someone from your network might be able to introduce you so that there’s no need for awkward cold-calling attempts on LinkedIn.*

People like leaders who are confident and approachable.

Being a leader is about being confident and approachable. It’s about being able to influence people, motivate them, inspire them, and negotiate with them.

Being a good leader requires that you have self-confidence in yourself as well as the ability to communicate your ideas effectively. The best leaders are those who are proactive rather than reactive; these individuals take initiative rather than waiting for someone else’s direction before acting on their own accord. They don’t rely on others’ opinions but rather use their own judgment when making decisions based upon what they believe will be best for everyone involved—including themselves!

We can inspire people with good communication skills and a positive attitude

You can influence people by being yourself, being clear and direct with your message, and always having a positive attitude.

  • Communicate clearly and directly: It’s important to communicate in a way that is concise yet understandable for the listener. You should use language that is easy for them to understand so they don’t have any trouble listening or following along with what you’re saying. This can include using words like: “I” instead of “you,” “me” instead of “them,” etc., which makes it easier for people to relate back to themselves when they hear these phrases used within their own lives because they’re more familiar with how they feel as opposed to someone else’s perspective on things from an outside perspective (i.e., someone who may not have experienced something similar).
  • Be confident but not cocky: Confidence is key when it comes to having influence over others; however, there must also be some degree of humility involved because if one doesn’t acknowledge his own flaws then he’ll never be able to see them clearly enough before making decisions which could lead him down paths that aren’t beneficial towards achieving goals set forth earlier on in life.”


In conclusion, we can influence people by building trust and by being good communicators. We can inspire people with our ideas, our words, and our attitude. And finally, we should never forget that it’s up to us to decide whether or not we want others to follow our advice!

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